Tuesday, June 1, 2010

To one greater than one

We've been together for over a week
From that 1 o'clock Sunday we constantly speak
We txt and we talk till our parents say done
The teachers say "move" on the count of one

We love our time together and think it is grand
And yet the time falls like the small grains of sand
The time flies faster than we can all blink
And more than a waterfall dives into the drink

We think of each other as greater than gold
And think of ourselves as special as coal
But continued the fires burn with this new fuel
With the world still shaking without magnitude

When I sing from my heart when I'm thinking of you
Then i feel settled like the grass and the dew
I shall talk Elizabethan once as you'll see
Thou feels strong and empowered as thy listens to thee

To the one who's presence is greater than one
You'll hear my heart beat from more miles than some